Saturday, September 27, 2008

Busy Days!

Today we decided it was time to sort through all the crud and crap that we have been storing in the back room. You know the boxes of stuff you pack when you move and are not sure if you really want but never really decide on?

We sorted through some of the boxes - put 2 boxes of assorted stuff on the curb and loaded up the car and headed to the transfer station. Felt good to dump the crap!

We didn't complete the whole room but we are well on our way. During the week I cleaned out a closet and we have 3 bags of stuff to donate. Clothes that I dont want anymore - stuff Brian has outgrown - that sort of thing. They are off to the donation bin this week!

If we can keep at it this week we will have the room sorted and cleaned out by next weekend.

Oh yeah - we have a plumber coming this week to plumb for the washer. Now all we need is someone to do the electrical for the dryer and we will have our own laundry upstairs!


Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you!! Hooray!!!
The Big Brothers will pick up your stuff for you. Just call them!

Denise Nagy said...

Wow what a coincidence! we organized today too and called Big Brothers...hmm maybe it was the cold air? anyone else do this today I wonder?

PrincessButtercup said...

If the timing works out and we have Paige when you need the electrical job done, you can borrow Kevin and get him to help you there because he's taking a couple of weeks holiday when she arrives :) YAY for reorganizing, it's such a wonderful feeling. Kevin is working on the basement these last few days so Denise might be right about the cold air ;)

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