Friday, September 12, 2008

We Made It!

Since my last blog - we have successfully made it out of the door in the morning with a lunch, properly packed and surprisingly nutritious. Turns out the whole sandwich thing is a bust. He would rather have something else. So this week has been yogurt and fruit, fresh and dried.

Next week we will be featuring a nice hot vegetable soup, with crackers. A pasta dish of some kind and a repeat on the yogurt and fruit.

Now if we can just get the homework in the backpack and all the notices signed on time - we will be making progress.

September is such a difficult month for all mothers of back to school kids! This year seems double difficult- I think it is the stress of the workplace together with the back to school!

Here's to next week! A week of better planning!


Denise Nagy said...

How do you keep soup hot? in a thermos? stupid question, but I may need to buy one if they really do work!

Cheers to a better week!

Laura said...

brian has a small stainless steel thermos that keeps his soup nice and hot - we also pack alphagetti and such like in it for him.

Only problem with a thermos is that they are not cheep - fortunately for us - it always seems to find its way into the lost and found when he loses it. Only twice since grade 2 and he is in grade 5 now. We may have to buy a larger size for him now.

Sandwiches are not a favorite lunch around here so the thermos has been a godsend to help with the quest for a good lunch!

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