Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You really want a lunch?

Ok - the usual morning here involves -
- convincing the child he really WANTS to take the shower I am directing him towards
- finding the lost permission slip
- inventing a breakfast that is both appetizing and nutritious for a 10 year old
- iron a shirt for the kid
- get myself dressed
- find the work I brought home to do the night before and need to take back this morning
- check my email
- confirm carpool
- get kid to brush teeth, wash face and brush hair (hopefully clean - seeing as he was supposed to wash it in the shower!)
- brush my teeth, do my hair, slap on some makeup (maybe!)
- and head out the door - "Come on.... let's get a move one.... let's not be late"

And then it just grinds to a screeching halt! "MOM ---- where is my lunch?"

CRUD! I knew I forgot something! Somewhere between "eat your breakfast" and "grab your backpack" I missed a crucial step. The one where I make a lunch for said kid!

Back to kitchen we head - quick - "one pb&j and make it snappy!" DRAT - there is no bread, how can we be out of bread??? Improvise - pb&j on a hotdog bun! add a juice box, some goldfish crackers, fruit to go and some cookies (for after school snack) and voila! a lunch!

And wonders of all wonders - even with the aforesaid missed lunch - we still made it to school on time! and I was only 5 minutes late for work.

Any chance we will master mornings? I certainly hope so!

1 comment:

PrincessButtercup said...

Ahh, the wonder and trouble of a Monday with child(ren) I am SO thankful that my kids come home for lunch now! Glad it all worked out for you... :)

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