Thursday, October 27, 2011

Now here is a weird question!

I have been approached by many people this month asking me the following question, or some variation of it:
"Would you like to support breast cancer by buying my cookies?"
And here is the response I would like to give:
"I MOST certainly DO NOT support Breast Cancer!!!  There is no part of my being that thinks that Breast Cancer should be supported!!!" 
Of course I would have to quickly follow that up with,  "I WILL SUPPORT BREAST CANCER RESEARCH"

That is what I wanted to say.  Here is what I have said, while smiling.  "I would love to buy your cookies! As a matter of fact I will take two, you see, I have breast cancer and am happy to help you raise funds."

And that my dear friends, ends my rant on the support of Breast Cancer!

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