Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Round 3 Update

I am so happy to report that Round 3 of Chemo has gone pretty good.  The first seven days were rough.  So very tired and many stomach issues.  But nothing that doing nothing and taking gravol couldn't fix!  I did not work too much the first week, but this week I am feeling pretty energetic!  My taste buds have returned to normal, just in time to enjoy Christmas Dinner.

I am continuing to get lots of rest.  My body makes sure of that -- as soon as it is done I stop!  I am looking forward to getting good reports from my blood work.  Last round of Chemo is scheduled for December 30, so I anticipate sleeping through New Years!

I have been truly blessed with a wonderful husband!  Phil has done all the shopping and planning for Christmas.  He has taken care of me.  He has cooked meals for me that fulfilled my cravings.  Thanks Honey!!!!

I hope that all of you have a very Merry Christmas, full of joy and family fun.

Love Laura

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