Monday, November 21, 2011

Round Two and Update

After having a pretty rough time with Round one of chemo, round 2 seems to be starting off ok!

Round one was a nightmare, bone pain,white blood cell count so low I got to spend a week in the hospital!   The Oncologist has put me on a drug called Neupegen.  This is a very expensive drug ($3500.00 for each round of chemo).  This is to prevent the low white blood cell.  

Friday the 18th was round 2.  So far so good,  I have minor pain, and some really tired moments.  But so far so good.  Praying that this round will be a good one. 

Phil is an awesome nurse, every night at 10 pm, he dutifully injects me with the neupegen.  And he makes sure I am taking all the other medications that I am supposed to be taking. 

It is good to know that I am now 50% done with the chemo!  Only 2 more treatments to go.  Sad to say my hair has all fallen out.  I am getting really good at tying scarves! 

Thank you all for you prayers and your support.  Please keep praying that the cost of the Neupegen will be covered by insurance!

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