Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good News!

Everyone needs good news. And praise the Lord, today I got some! This morning my Surgeon gave me the results of my surgery. The tissue removed from the tumor site showed no cancerous cells! More good news! The sentinel lymph node was clear as well! All of this means that there has been no spread of my cancer. I am so encouraged by that news. Now we will move forward with the treatment to make sure there are no sneaky cells hanging around. I will be contacted by the BC Cancer Agency in the next few weeks to get the radiation scheduled. The end is in sight! Only four more days of IV antibiotics, as well. Monday I am going to go back to work. Thank you all for prayers, support, meals, visits and phone calls.


Jenn said...

Fantastic news. I'm incredibly proud of the strength and faith you and your family have.
I also like the slip of the finger for Cancer Agency. No doubt many actually echo that sentiment.

Laura said...

Damn you Auto Correct!

Natalie Brown said...

That is the best news ever! Love you xoxox

CaroleM said...

Praise God!! Praying for your ongoing recover.

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