Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday in my World!

I was on the phone today with my Boss talking about an IT issue. After about 4 minutes, the conversation went something like this:

Boss: So if we print to file - what kind of program will be used to open?

Me: looks like excel will work just fine

Boss: is the data on the worksheet usable?

Me: a bit hard to understand , no headings, but I think I can fiqure it out......

D: Excuse me Laura - there is an urgent call for you from the school

Me: Crap -- oh sorry Boss -- can i call you right back? School on phone

Boss: no problem

Me: Hello School?

School: I have kid in the office, he is not feeling well, do you want to talk to him?

Me to self: not really!

Me to School: of course thanks!

Kid: Mom? my stomach hurts and my legs hurt and i want to throw up!

Me: oh baby, do you think you can make it through the day? (thinking how do I possible balance this one? Boss waiting-- Kid sick-- Crap!)

Kid: No Mom -- I really feel sick!

Me: ok let me talk to School

School: yes?

Me: I will be there as soon as my meeting with Boss is over, can he stay in the office?

School: yes

Me: Boss? Kid is sick! I need to go get him. I'll drop him at home. get him settled and come back. Sorry to drop the ball on this project.

Boss: not to worry - take your time. Call me once you get him home and let me know how it is going.

Me: thanks Boss!

And then the race was on! Get across town, wake up Kid sleeping in sick room, talk to Teacher, take Kid home, take temperature - 99.9 crap! find tylenol, dose Kid, turn on TV, heat up a frozen meal, eat lunch, take temperature, 99.1, good! Get kid settled infront of TV. Call Hubby - He's 2.5 hours away, CRAP! Tell Sister, Kid is home, head back to work, call Boss, finish project!

And then collapse! Boy am I happy the week is half over!!!


Tara said...

How is he feeling?

how are you feeling?

Did the boss survive??

where's my water buffalo?

Laura said...

Not everyone can have a water buffalo!

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