Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Love Story - part 2

Now He & She were a They.

They liked each other.

They met each other's families.

They met each other's friends.

They went to movies.

They talked for hours on the phone.

They took the baby to the park.

They spent as much time as they could together.

They hated being apart.

He asked her to marry him.

She laughed and said no (thought He was kidding)

They keep on spending every waking moment together.

He asked her to marry him.

She said YES!

And so, They got married -- May 17, 1975.

And 34 years later......

They still like each other!

They still spent tons of time together!

They still enjoy the love story.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Love Story - part 1

It all started a very long time ago, on a beach not too far away from where I sit right now.

She was 16 years old and the mother of a 2 month old baby. This was her very first time going out alone without the baby.

He was 18 years old and doing what he normally did on the weekend, partying.

She was there with some new friends, checking out the beach party.

He was there with his friends, hanging out, checking out the girls.

She drank too much tequilla.

He caught her as she stumbled into the fire on the beach.

She thought he was a gentleman.

He thought she was hot. ( seeing as she almost fell in a fire, she was alittle warm)

She needed a ride home.

He had a car.

She was impressed by the $ in his ashtray.

He was impressed by her.

They were impressed by each other, enough to start spending all their time together.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

update, update, update

Here is the update at a glance

Victoria -- fun fun fun - dont like bugs!
Mother's Day -- spoiled spoiled spoiled - love my family!
Warren's Birthday -- party, party, party -- thanks Tanya and Andre
Brian's Birthday -- quiet, quiet, quiet --- party to follow with 5 boys in attendance
Work -- busy, busy, busy -- what else is new?
Wedding Anniversary -- 34, 34, 34 years!!! -- yup and all to the same man!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday in my World!

I was on the phone today with my Boss talking about an IT issue. After about 4 minutes, the conversation went something like this:

Boss: So if we print to file - what kind of program will be used to open?

Me: looks like excel will work just fine

Boss: is the data on the worksheet usable?

Me: a bit hard to understand , no headings, but I think I can fiqure it out......

D: Excuse me Laura - there is an urgent call for you from the school

Me: Crap -- oh sorry Boss -- can i call you right back? School on phone

Boss: no problem

Me: Hello School?

School: I have kid in the office, he is not feeling well, do you want to talk to him?

Me to self: not really!

Me to School: of course thanks!

Kid: Mom? my stomach hurts and my legs hurt and i want to throw up!

Me: oh baby, do you think you can make it through the day? (thinking how do I possible balance this one? Boss waiting-- Kid sick-- Crap!)

Kid: No Mom -- I really feel sick!

Me: ok let me talk to School

School: yes?

Me: I will be there as soon as my meeting with Boss is over, can he stay in the office?

School: yes

Me: Boss? Kid is sick! I need to go get him. I'll drop him at home. get him settled and come back. Sorry to drop the ball on this project.

Boss: not to worry - take your time. Call me once you get him home and let me know how it is going.

Me: thanks Boss!

And then the race was on! Get across town, wake up Kid sleeping in sick room, talk to Teacher, take Kid home, take temperature - 99.9 crap! find tylenol, dose Kid, turn on TV, heat up a frozen meal, eat lunch, take temperature, 99.1, good! Get kid settled infront of TV. Call Hubby - He's 2.5 hours away, CRAP! Tell Sister, Kid is home, head back to work, call Boss, finish project!

And then collapse! Boy am I happy the week is half over!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

SMS - Sad Movie Syndrome

I have this! SMS - Sad Movie Syndrome - I watch a sad movie and I cry. Even if I happen to be watching it for the second time.

Today,for some reason my husband decided to watch "A Walk to Remember". I dont think he had ever seen it before.

He put it on and watched the first part of the movie, and then decided to go clean the car out. (Why? I dont know, but it was my car -so I didnt stop him!)
He returned to the movie after the part where we find out that she is dying. He became quite distressed that she was sick!

So here I sit, tears in my eyes, while my husband is wondering why he bothered with the movie!

I wonder if I should make him read the movie synopsis prior to turning on a movie? What do you think? Then maybe I would not have to cry and he would not have to suffer the distress of the sad movie syndrome! (I always cry at sad movies, I tend to rate them by the number of tissues required to wipe the tears away!)
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